Thursday, February 24, 2011


Oh my, I almost ripped my hair out waiting for a machine at the gym. This guy was doing an incline press on the Smith Machine for almost an hour, I asked, "Are you done yet," his reponse was, "No." It was no for an hour, he was going so slow and pushing barely any weight. He would of been better off doing push ups for an hour.

Finally he left and I did get to use the equipment, makes you wonder how people like that make it through a entire day!
I am done complaining, have a great day..


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hello to the fitness buffs, the one's at the gym using the cable machines! It's so funny, guys think they are going to get bigger by doing one arm tricep's pull downs, humm let me think about that, not so much! Heeheehee, anyway goodnight!